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Tag Archives: hubei

Recent Climate Change News in the Chinese Media

The world focuses on Premier Wen Jiabao; after “overtime”, “Copenhagen Accord” released (Google translation)
The “Copenhagen Accord” agreed upon by the BASIC nations (Brazil, South Africa, India, China) and the USA reached some notable compromises after two weeks of emotional, high-pressure meetings. Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

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Recent Environmental Law and Public Participation News

Chinese professor calls for Plan EIA expansion towards integrated management approach (Google translation)
At an international environmental conference in Tianjin this weekend, Professor Zhu Tan of Nankai University called for an ambitious plan to expand implementation of the State Council’s August 2009 “Plan Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations.” Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

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Recent Environmental Law and Public Participation News

What happened to our water? (Google translation)
In the wake of numerous reports concerning heavy metal contamination in water poisoning Chinese children, Science News magazine takes a comprehensive look at the state of China’s water. While water quality monitoring has improved over the years, improving water quality remains a serious challenge to environmental officials. Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

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Recent Environmental Law and Public Participation News

In the past week, Chinese news media has focused on several important public participation and environmental public interest litigation issues. The release of the China Software Testing Center’s evaluation of government website openness has generated discussion on how much work there is left to do. Meanwhile, local governments in Hainan, Hubei, and Yunnan are intensifying efforts to improve support for environmental public interest litigation and the creation of environmental courts. Six articles after the jump.

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  • Beijing Daze, Missed your comment. Apologies. The Li-Ion batteries are goin... read »
  • Hey Alex, Great write up! I'm fixing to get one of those Turtle Kings in the... read »
  • Nice!... read »
  • These polutions will have major negative impact on China's future budget in t... read »