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Tag Archives: environmental health

The 2010 Annual Report on China's Environment: Friends of Nature's China Green Book

Last Friday, Beijing-based NGO Friends of Nature (En) released its Annual Report on China’s Environment and Development 2010, a collection of articles from some of China’s top environmental groups, legal and environmental scholars, and journalists.  FON has published an annual Green Book since 2006 and this has become the definitive account of the top issues in environmental protection each year since. The “2010 Green Book” includes a chronology of major environmental incidents and events in 2009, as well as 27 articles on environmental health, the handling of municipal waste, sustainable consumption, pollution, ecological protection, and environmental policy. As one commentary … Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(1)

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Recent Environmental Law and Public Participation News

Deputy Procurator General: Executive power should be subject to the constraints of law (Google translation)
In a March 7 interview with CCTV, Sun Qian, China’s Deputy Procurator General, argued that the close collaboration of local governments with enterprises that violated pollution laws posed a threat to China’s rule of law. The government must ultimately be able to represent the plaintiff and the public interest in such cases, he noted. Sun Qian said that one possible solution would be to establish a robust administrative prosecution system to restore oversight and end illegal collusion. (Source: CCTV)
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Recent Environmental Law and Public Participation News

Yangtze River Delta unveils new information disclosure evaluation system (Google translation)
Last week, environmental officials from Shanghai municipality, Zhejiang Province, and Jiangsu Province revealed a new environmental information disclosure evaluation system that would hold enterprises accountable for their transparency requirements. Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

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  • Beijing Daze, Missed your comment. Apologies. The Li-Ion batteries are goin... read »
  • Hey Alex, Great write up! I'm fixing to get one of those Turtle Kings in the... read »
  • Nice!... read »
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