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Author Archives: Barbara Finamore

President Hu and President Obama in Washington: Advancing the clean energy partnership between the United States and China

President Hu Jintao concluded his visit to the United States Friday, after meeting with President Obama and other top government and business leaders in Washington, D.C., and Chicago.  Among the many issues on the agenda for these two leaders, strengthening cooperation on climate change and clean energy is an area where real progress is being made.  As NRDC, Brookings and the Asia Society argued in 2009, both the United States and China are indispensible in the effort to address climate change given their positions as the two largest greenhouse gas emitting countries, their common interests in improving their energy security, … Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

Energizing efficiency in the U.S.-China relationship

Yesterday, before Chinese President Hu Jintao’s plane even hit the tarmac, senior energy experts from both countries gathered to inaugurate the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC), the latest in a series of initiatives building on the historic November 2009 summit between Presidents Hu and Obama. NRDC is a proud member of the building energy efficiency consortium. Together with the national demand-side management (DSM) regulations that came into effect on January 1st, these programs in energy efficiency hold some of the greatest promise for reducing the burden on China’s growing energy demand while promoting goodwill and broad cooperation in the … Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

China’s announcements on energy and climate in advance of Presidential summit

Today, Chinese President Hu Jintao will be arriving in Washington, D.C., for a three-day U.S. visit.  This is the second state-level visit between him and President Obama, including Obama’s visit to Beijing in November 2009, which set forth an ambitious energy and climate cooperation agenda between the two countries.  These cooperative initiatives have steadily moved forward in the past year, including finalization of the funding, research consortia members and work plans for the three US-China Clean Energy Research Centers on building efficiency, carbon capture and storage, and electric vehicles; continued meetings on improving cooperation on efficiency and renewables; and the … Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

China Records Its Climate Actions By Copenhagen Accord Deadline



China has submitted its proposed climate mitigation actions to the UNFCCC in a letter dated January 28, ahead of the January 31, 2010 deadline in the Copenhagen Accord. Given Premier Wen Jiabao’s hands-on role, along with President Obama and the leaders of India, Brazil and South Africa, in creating the Accord last month, it is encouraging to see China demonstrate its commitment to moving global climate negotiations forward.
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NRDC hosts COP15 side event on climate solutions in China

I work in China. I am no stranger to crowds. But the number of people streaming into Copenhagen for what is already an historic event in the global undertaking to curtail climate catastrophe would put even the most cosmopolitan of cities to shame – and it’s only the first week.
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China’s Carbon Intensity Target

The following is a post from my colleague and NRDC China Program Director, Barbara Finamore. We also include links to several posts on the topic from other commentators. -eds

China yesterday announced that Premier Wen Jiabao will attend the Copenhagen climate summit and that he will bring with him a target for China of reducing carbon intensity by 40 to 45 percent from 2005 levels by 2020. Coming a day after the announcement across the Pacific that President Obama will attend the beginning of the summit, bringing a commitment to reduce U.S. emissions “in the range of 17%” from 2005 levels by 2020, this means that we now know what the world’s two largest emitters will be bringing to the table when the world’s countries gather in Copenhagen.

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76 Days Until Copenhagen


There are 76 days until Copenhagen.

76 days.

The UN Summit on Climate Change was a good example of just how far we’ve come in the global climate discussions. Every world leader who spoke mentioned our collective responsibility to reverse climate change and the serious ramifications for the planet if we do not.
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Examining the U.S.-China Agreement for Cooperation on Climate Change, Energy and Environment


The U.S. and China, the world’s two largest global warming polluters, signed an agreement last week that recognizes the “very important role” that both countries have in combating climate change, and commits both countries to “respond vigorously” to the challenges of energy security, climate change and environmental protection through ambitious domestic action and international cooperation. Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

Four ways the U.S. and China can start cooperating now to reduce emissions and tackle climate change together


The recent high-profile visits to China by leading members of Congress and the Obama administration have made it clear that China and the U.S. are taking climate change seriously and recognize the importance of working closely together to find ways to reduce global warming pollution. Although China and the U.S. Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)

China Forging Ahead on Clean Vehicles

NRDC China Program Director Barbara Finamore recently posted on NRDC Switchboard a short entry examining China’s new clean vehicle intiatives. We think that our both our Chinese and international audience would appreciate her insights. The English post is available below, with our Chinese translation coming soon. On Wednesday, April 1st (no, it’s not an April Fools Day prank), the New York Times reported that China has adopted a plan that will make them one of the world’s leaders in electric and hybrid car production. Set on a highly ambitious trajectory of just three years, China hopes to turn the market … Continue reading 阅读全文 » Add comment 发表评论(0)